Tennessee Anniversary Surprise

Valentine’s Day marked my three year anniversary with my sweet fiancĂ©. Nathan had a special day planned for us the following weekend and he wanted to surprise me with some of my favorite things.

Early Saturday morning we got in the car to start our adventure. Our first drive was about two hours long and I had no idea where we were going! I kind of had an idea but I wasn’t totally sure about it.

As we got to these back roads I started to see signs for horseback riding and right then I was so excited! Horse back riding is something I love to do and the fact that he planned this fun things for us to do made it even more special!

We had an hour long trial ride and it was perfect! I wish I was allowed to bring my real camera to get some amazing shots but I wasn’t able to!




After our first adventure, Nathan had something else planned. So we got in the car and drove another two hours to our next destination. We stopped at this beautiful lake along the way to capture a few photos and admire God’s beautiful creation!


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Our next destination was Chattanooga, Tennessee! I had been wanting to make a day trip here for a while now and I just love how Nathan paid attention to everything I said the last few weeks and planned around the things he heard I was wanting to do. I am so thankful for a sweet man who really listens.

We explored the city and then went to the Tennessee Aquarium. This was such a sweet little date for the two of us. We enjoyed every second of it!

I was happy I ended up bringing another set of clothes just in case the weather permitted and they totally came in handy!

Here’s a few photos from the aquarium and roaming along the river!








