First Snowfall Of The Year

Well, it’s officially that time of year! The reality that Christmas is just around the corner and the snow has officially fallen. Here in Georgia, it’s honestly rare to have snow in December. This years snowfall may be the earliest and most amount of snow in quite some time. What we all thought would just be a “light dusting”, turned into winter wonderland.

I am just so in love with the way everything is when the snow comes around. I was so estatic when the snow started falling and it quickly became more than just a dusting. In Georgia, it seems like everything shuts down when we get snow. Us southerners just don’t do this weather very well. Of course we don’t have the resources to keep everything under control and once it all starts getting icy, it’s downhill from there. It’s the 2014 snowpocalypse all over again.

It will be interesting to see what the rest of this winter season brings. I would love to see a lot more snow but of course no more once March comes!

Here’s a few photos of what this snowfall brought. Our home always looks so beautiful when it snows. I can’t get over how pretty everything is! Sadie was such a hoot in the snow. I think she enjoyed it more than anyone!

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